Weighted Ab Drop

Lower Weighted Ab Drops Oh My

So You Want Lean Abs Or Maybe A Six Pack?

If you were to ask anybody which muscle group in your entire body you could work to get the most optimal benefits in the shortest time span, they would tell you without hesitation, ‘the core.’

 Strengthening your core reaps tremendous benefits!

A strong core is the single most important component when it comes to fitness.  Your core, the abdominal section is typically the main focus in a workout because this muscle group acts as the center of your body and helps you utilize every other part of your body to maximize efficiency.  

The core consists of all of the muscles in your abdominal and lower back areas.  Your core is about more than just your ripped six pack, it’s your body’s powerhouse!  It facilitates movement as well as houses your inner most important organs.  These muscles all work in harmony to provide stabilization in order for your body to transfer power to your upper and lower sections of your body.  

Are You Into MMA? Without a strong core kicks will be weak and punches will be seemingly powerless.  

Strengthening your core, your abs and your lower back not only improves posture but it enhances your workout performance.  Strong abs will not only make you look unbelievable but it will improve your workout by 110%!  

Your kicks will become stronger, your punches more powerful and your workout more effective!

Need A Trainer? —> I Love My Fit Body

Mobility & Strength Drill

There is absolutely NO fitness machine that can work abductor muscles in this manner by pulling you away from the midline of your body at the same time your adductor muscles perform the opposite direction all while creating flexibility and building strength.

The abductor & adductor fly is an exercise performed in a certain manner as shown in this video for strengthening the inner and outer leg muscles. Having a weak abductor and adductors are the single most common issue as we get older starting at the age of 40 and above.

Start with 2-3 sets of 10 repetitions, make sure your form is correct then start building up to several sets of 100 repetitions. As you get better and stronger you can add ankle weights starting at 2 PDS and drop the number of sets to build back up to 100.

Once you reach 100 reps again add a few more PDS to your ankles and start the process all over again.

Weighted Bicycle Abs

The weighted bicycle is a great exercise to add to your workout program

Six pack workouts! Dramatically improve sports and training performance and say goodbye to lower back pain.  Learn exercises that directly target the muscles of your core.

Building a core takes more than just a few crunches. Developing a strong core means building both core stability (the internal muscle closest to the spine) and core strength (think ‘six pack’ abs).  It’s most important to build core stability before strength.  When you’ve achieved a strong core, everything else will simply fit into place on top of it.  Your overall fitness will improve and you become less prone to injury.  Throughout a workout, most movement starts at the center and moves outward.  A rock solid center will help ensure that your movements are both strong and pain free. 

We will give you top secret, never seen before core strengthening workouts that will change your body and change your workouts.  

•Flatten and strengthen your abs

•Stabilize your lower back

•Improve balance and coordination

•Enhance flexibility

•Promote better breathing 

•Strengthen the body

Our workouts will do all of the above plus more!  We will maximize your workouts and improve your sports playing capabilities.  

Or Call 484 998 8144 Today

Cheat Sheet: How To Develop Awesome Abs

Banish Junk Food, Sugar and Fat

Avoid keeping junk food like cookies, chips, sweets, and other similar products in your house and you will avoid temptation. If you do not have these bad items within reach, you will not think about them and after some time, you will break the bad eating habits.

Avoiding pre packaged foods also will cut back on your exposure to artificial preservatives.

You will lose weight. By cutting out so many bad choices from your diet and taking control of the good fuel that you put into your body, you will lose weight – and that is without even intentionally trying to!

You will feel better, both mentally and physically. 

Waking up in the morning you will have the energy to face the day, and when you are fueling your body with the nutrients it needs, you won’t have time to sit down and scarf down a box of cookies. Your mental health will also improve and you won’t have a sense of being chained down or feeling sluggish.

Try this Belly Burner Workout

  • 100 Push-Ups
  • 100 Curls
  • 100 Tri Ext
  • 100 Touch Jumps
  • 100 Cross Climbers
  • 100 Bicycles Med Ball Pass
  • 100 Single Kettle bell Dead Lift (50 Per)

Let make getting in shape fun while kicking some serious butt

Want Abs?

The Proper PUSH-UP Workout

The Proper PUSH-UP Workout with Bruce The Fit Boss Doing a push-up correctly is very important to start building strength and conditioning in your upper body.

Practice one type of push-up first and build up your reps before even moving on to another type of push-up. It’s better to learn proper form and build yourself up by sticking with one style of pushups. Start with 10 per day, then 20 per day, and one day 100 per day.

The key is consistency so have fun starting your journey in the fitness world.

Start Training Today —> https://www.ilovemyfitbody.com/

I Love My Fit Body morning workout

Small Group Classes and Personal Training Sessions —> Group Sessions


kids mma

Confidence and humility are cornerstones on which we build the character of those who train at Fight Academy.

Our Jr MMA programs include classes to introduce the student to the concepts and techniques of Mixed Martial Arts, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Boxing, Fitness & Sports Athletic training.

How does our program encourage goal realization?

One of the most important life skills that a child can take away from a martial arts program is to learn that through dedicated training, all goals can be obtained. Students receive their own card when they sign up and are asked to hand in when they arrive so that their attendance can be recorded.

How does the school instill its students with unshakeable self-confidence?

Children, like adults, obtain confidence through achievement. At Jr MMA, students are taught how to set, realize, and achieve their goals. As the student learns a new technique such as a kick, punch, takedown, or grappling move, the student begins to build a collection of successes they draw upon for self-esteem.

What makes a trainer a superior figure?

What makes a trainer a superior figure?

what are you afraid of

Knowing that proper form and technique is essential in executing a worthwhile workout. The quality of training is what influences your progress, not the quantity. Time under tension, angle of movement, range of motion, and multiple other factors all contribute. It is beyond important understanding proper technique in order to get the most benefit from your time. 

For instance, two athletes may be in a bag class, both taking the same instruction from the trainer yet one of them is going to get 100% more of a benefit from the workout than the other. Why? Simple. One has attained proper knowledge and technique of specific punches and kicks and the other has not. What most people do not recognize is if your have impeccable technique, you are able to walk away with more benefits in half the time than the average person. Learning how to execute proper punching and kicking technique is more important than quantity. You could throw 100 punches improperly to someone else’s 10 proper punches and still not achieve the burn and benefits that they have. 

Once you have gained knowledge on proper form and technique you will notice your workouts become more beneficial. You will burn more, tone quicker and become all around more fit than anyone around you. You will become stronger, faster and more aware of the class benefits than other clients. The ability to sustain and intense workout becomes easier and your performance becomes impeccable.

Proper form and technique is what will execute most credential workouts for you. This is what we aim to create. Trainers with a knowledge so broad that they become technically sound and develop capabilities of ensuring perfection in technique and form.

Stop Giving Up

Fitness Motivation – Kickboxing Motivation – Motivational Fitness Quotes


kickboxing flyer

*I have not exercised in months (or never)

 Mmaxout is the perfect way to kick start your workout program.  Our group classes are great for every level—whether you want high intensity or low impact we have the class for you. Our trainers will motivate you and encourage you but NEVER push you past your level of comfort.

* I have a gym membership?

 Are you one of the many people who pay a monthly membership to a gym for equipment you have no idea how to use? Do you wait in line to use the treadmill or elliptical?   You haven’t seen any results?

If this sounds familiar then is time to MMAXOUT!

Most of our members had gym memberships elsewhere before they started our program. They were bored with the same workout day in and day out and felt “stuck”. They were discouraged with their progress, not seeing the results they desired. Within weeks of starting MMAXOUT they noticed a difference in their overall attitude, physique and fitness level.

* I hate the gym?

 We are not a gym.  We are a class setting training facility committed to getting you in the best shape of your life. Our trainers will challenge you with intense, efficient, fat incinerating workouts in a non-intimidating environment.

* What if I can’t keep up?

 Our workouts are designed for all fitness levels. Our trainers will always provide you with modifications for each exercise to assure you have a safe and effective workout.

christi and bruce mmaxout fitness