What makes a trainer a superior figure?

What makes a trainer a superior figure?

what are you afraid of

Knowing that proper form and technique is essential in executing a worthwhile workout. The quality of training is what influences your progress, not the quantity. Time under tension, angle of movement, range of motion, and multiple other factors all contribute. It is beyond important understanding proper technique in order to get the most benefit from your time. 

For instance, two athletes may be in a bag class, both taking the same instruction from the trainer yet one of them is going to get 100% more of a benefit from the workout than the other. Why? Simple. One has attained proper knowledge and technique of specific punches and kicks and the other has not. What most people do not recognize is if your have impeccable technique, you are able to walk away with more benefits in half the time than the average person. Learning how to execute proper punching and kicking technique is more important than quantity. You could throw 100 punches improperly to someone else’s 10 proper punches and still not achieve the burn and benefits that they have. 

Once you have gained knowledge on proper form and technique you will notice your workouts become more beneficial. You will burn more, tone quicker and become all around more fit than anyone around you. You will become stronger, faster and more aware of the class benefits than other clients. The ability to sustain and intense workout becomes easier and your performance becomes impeccable.

Proper form and technique is what will execute most credential workouts for you. This is what we aim to create. Trainers with a knowledge so broad that they become technically sound and develop capabilities of ensuring perfection in technique and form.

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